Todo List

Class avr_monitor_data_s
jbirkler. One idea is to skip the regs in avr_monitor_data_t and only use a dedicated stack that can hold all registers too. The monitor entry and exit block should be a little simpler: -Push to get some temp working regs -Set SP to dedicated area -Push everything to dedicated area -Host knows in what order the monitor pushes things on the dedicated stack and can restore registers .

Global main (void)
Keep track of on/off state

User interface

Handle RESET and MODE key presses

__naked__ attribute

More hardware configurations

jbirkler:Add Timer1 and Timer2 to supported interrupts

Global monitor (void)
Inspect generated assembler for monitor loop and optimize

jbirkler:Make software breakpoint support optional. Even possible with GDB?

jbirkler:Inspect generated code and optimize loop by hand if necessary

Copyright 2002 Jörgen Birkler. For accelR8 Accelerometer on Mon Jan 19 21:43:20 2004 by Doxygen 1.3.5.